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Посольство США : как пройти интервью по work travel? Пример интервью в посольстве. Work and travel

Посольство США : как пройти интервью по work travel? Пример интервью в посольстве

Пример Интервью в посольстве :

- Officer: Hello

- Me: Good Morning /Day (улыбаемся)

- K.: Let`s see… You are an student for Work and Travel programm, aren’t you?

- M: Of course,yes

- O: And what are you going to do in United States? Are you going only for working?

- M: Sir,’m going for know more about another cultures and work as a forester at Forests of Idaho.

However, every time I am dreamed to know more about foreign countries,especially cultures of America .

And i want to be try myself in a forester`s job very much.

- K.: (Офицер улыбается) So, that`s a very difficult job, believe me!

- M: Of course, I’ve know some information about it. Well, I’ll be taken a chanse to try it out!

- O: Where do you study?

- M: ( достаете зачетку, Job Offer и студенческий)

I’m joined in the Exchange program of the International Faculty , and that means that I am a student at the International faculty University of LA,
Here I studied English, and at the Biology Faculty of the LA State University too.
That’s reason of my graduate in three years .

- K.: (Рассматривает зачетную книжку, изучает печати в студенческом билете) That looks…Very good…
Can I see your previous passport with the previous visas? You have a new passpor, don`t you?

- M.: Yes, there is a new passport, because my old one is already expired.
(предъявляете предыдущий загранпаспорт, консул его изучает, ставит печать на предыдущую американскую визу «Canceled without prejudice»).

Уou can see, I have traveled a lot in my 20 years . I’ have been a few times to Italy and Greece. ( Лучше выбрать страны NATO ).

I love travelling, there is the best hobby !
That`s takes an opportunity to know more other humans and personalities of another cultures, opinions and kinds of life.

- K: Good, so…thanks , your passports are ok, everything is good and you can take your J1 at the next week.

- M: Thank`s for your time.

Вышеприведенные вопросы консула США не являются типичными для work travel , так как обычно посольство США уделяет каждому студенту гораздо меньше времени и гораздо меньше вникает во все подробности.